Duck Breast Roast

  1. Mix the olive oil with herbs - dried rosemary, caraway seeds, garlic powder, black pepper - in a cup and set aside
  2. Score the duck breast
  3. Let the breasts marinate in the oil in a bowl, preferably an hour but a couple minutes is fine
  4. Preheat oven to 400F
  5. Meanwhile, cut up asparagus to a decent length
  6. heat up a skillet to brown the breast in
  7. Place duck breast w/ skin side down sear until brown, and then the meat side rapidly for about 10-15 seconds
  8. Set duck breast aside and turn off heat
  9. Fill the bottom of the skillet with enough asparagus and pour the olive oil from marinade into it and season the asparagus
  10. Place the duck breast on top oo the asparagus
  11. Roast for 20 minutes