1. Foot work, 4sp
  2. Hundred 4sp
  3. Overhead (2sp, 5x, headrest down)
  4. Coordination (2sp, 5x)
  5. Rowing --> well 1sp
    90 degrees
  6. Rowing --> footbar 1sp
    From the chest
    From the hips
  7. Swan on a barrel
  8. Long box series (1sp, 3x each)
    T pull
    Backstroke (2sp)
    Hamstring curls (1sp single leg, 2sp both legs)
  9. Short box series 2sp, 3x
    side to side
    twist and reach
    side sit up
  10. Long stretch series 2sp, 3x, headrest up
    long stretch
    down stretch
    up stretch
  11. Long back stretch (3x/direction, 2sp, footbar top level)
  12. Stomach massage series
    round 4sp
    flat 3sp
    reach and twist 2sp
  13. Tendon stretch (3x, 2 sp, sticky pad at edge of carriage)
  14. Short spine massage (3x, 2 sp, headrest down, lower footbar)
  15. Semi circle (3/dir, 2sp)
  16. Chest expansion (2sets, 2sp)
  17. Thigh stretch (x, 3sp)
  18. Arm circles (3/dir, 1sp)
  19. Mermaid (3x + 1counter each side, 2sp)
  20. Snake and Twist (2x and 2x with twist each side, 2sp, lower footbar, spot the carriage)
  21. Corkscrew (3set, 2sp, lowered headrest, put extensions on straps)
  22. Long spine massage (2sp, 3set, strap with black extension)
  23. Frog/leg circles 2sp
  24. Knee stretch series (2sp,10/each)
    knees off
  25. Running 4sp
  26. Pelvic lift 4sp, 5x
  27. Side splits (2sp, 3x/side, headrest up, sticky between shoulder blocks)
  28. Front splits 2sp, 3x
  29. Russian splits 2sp, 1set/leg
  30. Balance control front 2sp 2nd gear. (3x 3 variations.)
  31. Balance control back 2sp 2nd gear. (3x 3 variations)
  32. Star 2sp (3x)